
Aeronautical Application of Wrought Magnesium (FP6 AEROMAG)

The technical focus of the university-driven proposal, AEROMAG, designed in collaboration with the Network of Universities "EASN," is the development of new magnesium wrought products (sheets and extrusions), that provide significantly improved static and fatigue strength properties.

Project coordination by: EADS Innovation Works (Germany).

Consortium partners:


  1. EADS Innovation Works, Germany;
  2. EADS Innovation Works, France;
  3. Airbus Deutschland, Germany;
  4. Eurocopter, France
  5. Alenia, Italy.

Industrial companies

  1. Aero-Magnesium (former Palbam-Alonim AMTS), Israel;
  2. Magnesium Elektron, UK;
  3. Otto Fuchs, Germany;
  4. Salzgitter Magnesium Technologies, Germany;
  5. SMW Engineering, Russia.

Research institutes

  1. VIAM, Russia
  2. VILS, Russia


  1. ENSAM, France;
  2. INPG, France;
  3. Naples, Italy;
  4. Patras, Greece;
  5. Technion, Israel;
  6. Thessaly, Greece;
  7. TU Vienna, Austria.

Project objectives:

  1. Development of new magnesium wrought products (sheets and extrusions) that provide significantly improved static and fatigue strength properties (the strength properties of these innovative materials are required to be as high as AA5083 for non-structural applications and as high as AA2024 aluminium alloys for secondary structure applications)
  2. Simulation and validation of forming and joining technologies for the innovative materials and their application
  3. Corrosion problem solutions with newly adapted and environmentally friendly surface protection systems and advanced design concepts
  4. Flammability investigations and solutions with the addition of chemical elements and special surface treatments
  5. Development of material models and failure criteria for the prediction of forming processes, plastic deformation and failure behaviour of components
  6. The technological objective is a weight reduction of fuselage parts, systems and interior components up to 35%. The strategic objectives are an increase in the operational capacity of 10%, a reduction in the direct operating cost of 10% and, finally, a reduction in the fuel consumption of 10%, with a concomitant reduced environmental impact

Technological current source unit developed by SMWE within the AEROMAG project is a modern electro-technical device intended to provide power supply for production scale micro arc oxidation facilities.