2021-07-15 Innovative and efficient coating development for magnesium components
The scientific article Predko, P .; Rajnovic, D .; Grills, ML; Postolnyi, BO; Zemcenkovs, V .; Rijkuris, G .; Pole, E .; Lisnanskis, M. Promising Methods for Corrosion Protection of Magnesium Alloys in the Case of Mg-Al, Mg-Mn-Ce and Mg-Zn-Zr: A Recent Progress Review. metals 2021, 11, doi: 10.3390 / met11071133. "
The article is around a volume of 37 pages and contains 25 figures, 10 tables and 164 references. On February 10, 2022 the article was downloaded more than 1800 times AND 2 times quoted in scientific journals. (Information updated 20/02/2022)

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The selection of PVD process and post-processing parameters continued. Achieved positive results in Fig.1. The durability of the coating by increasing the post-treatment temperature has been established.

Studies of surface morphology and its chemical composition have been performed. 3
Being implemented with the financial support of the ERDF.